Like no one is watching…

You know how they say “dance like no one is watching”?   Well little chef eats like there is nobody watching…  Because sometimes there just isn’t anyone looking and you can have the time of your life.   Like the other night.   We were at a nice family dinner all chatting and telling jokes and having a grand old time and completely ignoring little chef over there in his seat.   People without children might think “what??   How did you forget about a child you spend 24/7 thinking about and is sitting RIGHT beside you?!”   Well let me answer for all us parents out there.   Years on end of sleep deprivation and boogers wiping and “don’t bite your brother” hollering does something to your brain.   It’s a damn miracle we leave the hosue with pants on ok?   Back to little chef {see even you forgot he was still there} we look over and he is grinning like a pig in shit eating the entire salad with the salad spoon.  



Like a tiny pants pooping boss.   We laughed our buts off and let him giver.   Because if your mom won’t let you go hog wild on the entire salad who will?   Also it’s a salad and I can tweet later about how many servings of organic veggies my kid got today #fitmom #fitbaby #mybabyhasa6packwhatdoesyourhave

So dance like no one is watching,  eat like mom isn’t looking and blog like grandma doesn’t have the Internet!  

– Stephanie

Check me out on instagram @cultivating_foodies

6 Replies to “Like no one is watching…”

  1. Go Mama! Your little guy is off to great start 🙂

  2. Go Mama! Your little guy is off to great start 🙂

  3. Who are we kidding…. Even adults steal from the salad…. Pasta…. French fry bowl when no one is looking…. Love the little babes!!

  4. Who are we kidding…. Even adults steal from the salad…. Pasta…. French fry bowl when no one is looking…. Love the little babes!!

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