How do I make pizza with kids?

How do I make pizza with kids? Easy, you make pizza, let the kids help, and clean up a HUGE mess afterwards…

But seriously, cooking with kids is fun, but always messy. And I would be lying if I didn’t be honest that sometimes I don’t want them to help because it is easier without them. But they love it so much! So we cook, we get messy, and we clean up afterwards.

We have been in the midst of a very busy and crazy time lately, so making the time to cook with the kids has been set on the back burner (haha). Yet, I know how important it is to still spend time doing this together.

So how do you make pizza with kids? Let them help mix the dough ingredients, I always make a bigger batch so they can play with some dough and it is not the end of the world if it get’s messy or falls on the floor.

Yes, I do let them sit on the counter. But hey, my house cleanliness standards are pretty low… to each their own!

Sauce taste testing is also very important. My children love eating the sauce before we put it on the pizza. Letting them explore all of the ingredients before they go on is a great way to get them into eating the final product if they are picky!

And last but certainly not least, dishes. Let them get in on the dishes (in our case IN the sink). Kids love to help, and play with water, so dishes is a match made in heaven. I always put a large towel down by the sink so that all of the splashed water is easier to clean up!

If you would like our pizza recipe be sure to pick up a copy of our cookbook “Family Eats”

Bye for now! -Stephanie

All photographs by West Rose Media